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Click here Chinese Painting Materials List

Synthetic and / or Black Velvet brand brushes are fine.
Round - numbers 4, 6 ,8, 10 and 12, one each. Number 2, one or two.
Flat – two 1/2 inch (with wedge shape at end of handle for applying masking - such as Winsor
and Newton 995 aquarelle brush), one 1/3 inch and a 1 inch.


Lian only uses the three primary colors. Students will need one tube of blue, one tube of yellow and one tube of red. NO OTHER COLOR PAINTS ARE NEEDED. USE ONLY PAINTS THAT COME IN TUBES.
Because different hues have different properties, Lian uses specific colors and brands as below. (Other similar primary colors are OK.)


Blue – Use one
Antwerp – FIRST CHOICE  - Winsor and Newton
Prussian Blue – M. Graham & Co.
Phthalocyanine Blue Red Shade  - M. Graham &Co.


Yellow – Use One
Hansa  - M. Graham and Co.
Azo Light -  M. Graham &Co.
Windsor Yellow - Winsor and Newton
Arylide  - Da Vinci
Bumblebee  - Da Vinci
Aureolin Yellow -  American Journey


Red – Use One
Pyrrole -  M. Graham & Co.
Napthol - M. Graham &Co.
Windsor Red - Winsor and Newton  
Joe's Red  - American Journey


Two Half sheets (15"x22", or 16"x20") 140 lb. Cold Press watercolor papers, Arches or Kilimanjaro.
These work best brands for Lian’s techniques. To achieve the desired results, USE ONE OF THESE
BRANDS ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS. Most online workshop paintings are on quarter sheets, though you may choose to work on a larger sheet. You'll want extra paper to practice color pouring and blending.

One large palette like John Pike Watercolor palette (15” x 10”). A big white color plate or tray is OK too.


A new bottle of light-colored art-masking fluid. Recommended brands:
Art Masking Fluid - U.S. Art Supply
Shiva Liquid Masque - Richeson Mediums. Available at
Other brands, make sure the mask is removable. Get a new bottle to make sure the consistency is correct.

One plywood board or gatorboard size about 16"x23" for taping down the half sheet size watercolor
paper or smaller if you are using a quarter sheet.
Three small dishes for mixing and pouring color liquids
1 roll of clear packing tape (not blue or yellow masking or artist tapes)
2 sheets of graphite papers (transfer paper, erasable) if you aren't using a light table or the window to transfer the drawing onto your watercolor paper
a hair dryer
a medium size water sprayer (not little ones)
a large jar or brush washer for cleaning brushes
pair of scissors
#2 pencil
a white or kneadable eraser
one roll of white paper towel
one measuring tea spoon
Optional: for those who can’t comfortably blow the color liquids while painting, a can of compressed air
duster from an office supply store.


© 2024 by Lois Erhartic
Davis, California


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